International Day of Hope


We need all hands-on deck for hope. We are at a pivotal point in humanity, and if we hope for a better environment, economy, and life, we need to know ‘how’ to hope for these things. What we ask of all leading up to the day:

  1. Encourage your leaders to support the Resolution: Urge local leaders, mayors, governors, schools, and your UN Country Ambassador to issue proclamations declaring their support for the International Day of Hope. 
  2. Spread Hope by putting up Yard Signs and planting Sunflower Gardens: Show your support by displaying hope-themed yard signs or creating sunflower gardens in your neighborhood.
  3. Teach Hope using the Hopeful Minds Curriculum: Engage in workplace educational programs, classroom teachings of Hopeful Minds, and community events focused on promoting hope science.
  4. Write and share your Hope Story: Your story is powerful, so consider writing and sharing your Hope Story. Download our template to show you how. We don’t want to just share with people what we went through, we want to share the skills and strategies we used to get to the other side.
  5. Watch and Share the International Day of Hope Videos: We have video recordings of the powerful talks from last year’s International Day of Hope event. Help us spread each speaker’s message!
  6. Join the Five-Day Global Hope Challenge: Participate in daily challenges aimed at nurturing hope in your life and community. Share your journey on social media using the hashtag #InternationalDayofHope and #GlobalHopeChallenge. Encourage others to take the challenge.

On May 1, 2024, we encourage you to host in person and online events. Some additional ideas for activation:

  1. Paint a health Shine Hope Mural to activate the Five Keys with a plaque: Happiness Habits, Stress Skills, Inspired Actions, Nourishing Networks, Eliminating Challenges.
  2. Launch a social media campaign on May 1st, with the key message that ‘Hope is Teachable’. Download images here.
  3. Launch a Workplace Campaign.